Entry # 9 – An Inconvenient Truth


For this week, we watched a documentary film about global warming. An inconvenient truth, a film by director Davis Guggenheim, was based on the United States’ former Vice President, Al Gore, on his campaign about the issue of global warming. Having watched “An Inconvenient Truth” for the first time, I actually thought to myself, I’m not really that well-informed when it comes to global warming. Though it has been given a bit of importance in the previous years, its definition has only been given emphasis and not the effect itself.

Global warming is actually one of the major problems that the world is currently facing. Before, this so called “global warming” was not really given importance ‘til people of the earth are now experiencing its effects. Here in the Philippines, we’ve experienced stronger typhoons and warmer weather. If the global warming gets worse, there will be even stronger typhoons that will cause more floods and more deaths, and an even warmer weather that will cause drought. No doubt that even the livelihoods will also die because of the extremely hot weather.

What’s even worse is that the biodiversity among plants and animals will also be affected because of the changing temperature. We Filipinos are already used to the ‘hot’ weather they say, but if the weather continued to get hotter or say the weather kept on changing, can we still say that we’ll get used to it in time? All of these are just like a chain reaction. It’s like stronger typhoons means more floods, more floods mean more deaths and destruction of resources, warmer weather means more drought, and so on.

Those are not actually the most shocking effects of global warming. In fact, if global warming got worse and worse every single day, what’s the worst thing that could happen to the Philippines? Our country just might get removed from existence. Why? It’s because if the globe continued to get warmer, the sheets of ice in Greenland and Antarctica will continue to melt and because of this, the sea level will rise and because we are below sea level, we might get covered with water and be erased from the globe.

What’s sad about people these days is that they are so used to the current environment that they don’t really notice the changes at all. Although some already know about the current situation of the climate, it’s still sad to think that only a few take this seriously. Global warming is not something that we should take for granted. It’s something that we should be aware of, and take action onto. I mean, let’s face it. We humans are the major cause of global warming. “Did the planet betray us? Or did we betray the planet?” as what the advertisement says.

Everything in this world is created for the benefit of mankind. But some people see it as an opportunity to make wealth, when it should be seen as an opportunity to make developments. One of the things I learned from this class, CSRGOVE, is the intergenerational equity under the social justice values.  It says that “Each generation should leave the future a world that is at least as diverse and productive as the one it inherited. The benefits of development must not be consumed now while leaving the costs to the future.” We are all responsible for everything that we do on this planet. We only have ONE planet; therefore, we are the ones who are responsible for taking care of it.

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